Once you have estimated the amount that you need to save for college education the next step is determining what kind of saving plan to choose from. There are several Qualified Tuition Plans (QTP) or 529 plans to choose from. It is important to use these plans as they offer some tax advantages. You can decide on the one which is most appropriate for you or you could choose a combination. There are some state specific rules on QTPs.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of savings plans, Prepaid Tuition Plans and Savings Plans.
The money from such plans can only be used for qualified college education expenses. They include tuition, room and board, and books/supplies. If the funds are not utilized by the beneficiary they may be transferred to a new beneficiary within the same generation and within the same family (including first cousins of beneficiary) to avoid penalties and gift taxes. Penalties are waived if the beneficiary dies or becomes disabled or receives a scholarship of an equal amount.
They include -
Both Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits have same phase out of these benefits based on AGI of taxpayers. For Single taxpayers the phase out is: $80,000 - $90,000 and for joint taxpayers it is: $160,000 - $180,000.
Once you have estimated the amount that you need to save for college education the next step is determining what kind of saving plan to choose from. There are several Qualified Tuition Plans (QTP) or 529 plans to choose from. It is important to use these plans as they offer some tax advantages. You can decide on the one which is most appropriate for you or you could choose a combination. There are some state specific rules on QTPs.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of savings plans, Prepaid Tuition Plans and Savings Plans.
The money from such plans can only be used for qualified college education expenses. They include tuition, room and board, and books/supplies. If the funds are not utilized by the beneficiary they may be transferred to a new beneficiary within the same generation and within the same family (including first cousins of beneficiary) to avoid penalties and gift taxes. Penalties are waived if the beneficiary dies or becomes disabled or receives a scholarship of an equal amount.
They include -
Both Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits have same phase out of these benefits based on AGI of taxpayers. For Single taxpayers the phase out is: $80,000 - $90,000 and for joint taxpayers it is: $160,000 - $180,000.